Friday, July 19, 2013

Get your Beauty Sleep!

By Bridget Hudzik, Beauty Guru
Honestly this needed to be posted today because Beauty sleep is a MUST!!!!!!
I can conceal, and shellac over dark circles... BUT, It's more then that!
It's like my skin is JUST BLAAAAHHHHHHH!
"Beauty Sleep" is more than just an expression: it's science.
A study published in BMJ (Brittish Medical Journal) said;  
"Our findings show that sleep-deprived people appear less healthy, less attractive and more tired compared with when they are well rested," wrote the researchers. "This suggests that humans are sensitive to sleep-related facial cues."

While the long-term effects of poor sleep on overall health have been widely researched, this is the first study to provide evidence that in the short term, sleep deprivation does in fact show up as a discernible change in facial appearance.

I'm in trouble....

So, because I sometimes have trouble falling asleep and I don't want to feel awful the next morning from a sleep aid, I am always on the hunt for a "natural" approach!
Le Couvent des Minimes has something for those who also need their beauty sleep!
Good Night Pillow Mist contains lavender and acacia to help relax and unwind after a busy day. The Original Recipe combines relaxing and purifying essential oils of Lavender and Mandarin for relaxing, Ravensara for soothing, and tea tree for purifying, to help produce serotonin, which in turn helps the body fall asleep.
The encouraged reparative sleep lends to a calm and rested mind upon waking. There are lots more relaxing recipes with Lavender and Acacia on their website. Read the story of the Minim Brothers and how it all started in 1613. Bonus - they donate a percentage of their annual sales to the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary charity.
So go forth and get some much needed "Beauty Sleep"
With Love and Glamour

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